Friday, November 11, 2011

Francois Linke, 1855-1946, The Belle Epoque of French Furniture (9781851494408) Christopher Payne


Product Details:

Publisher: Antique Collectors Club Dist (April 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1851494405
ISBN-13: 978-1851494408

Product Dimensions:

11.1 x 9.5 x 1.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.6 pounds

Description Product Reviews Editorial Francois Linke (1855-1946), born in Pancras, Bohemia, is by many regarded as the greatest maker of his time in Paris, at a time when the global influence of French fashion was at its peak rya weather handbook rapidshare. The Old r, regime has always the greatest source of inspiration for artistic creation in France and among other things, the Goncourt brothers, Louis XV and Louis XVI were popular appeal has been influenced by revived rya weather handbook rapidshare. Under the Second Empire style was so eclectic that they have become degraded. Left wanted to create a new style and his connection with the enigmatic sculptor L Messaging, led to a series of highly original model, merged according to the rococo style with the latest fashion in Paris, Art Nouveau. This style, known as the style is left, met with applause in the exhibition of 1900 and remains popular today among customers worldwide for exquisite furniture left. The book, with 140 000 words of text and more than 700 unique photographs

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